The transformational power of pigment.

Design is not static.
One of my beliefs about home keeping is that it does not stand still. Changing. Evolving. Testing. I love to experiment. Home as canvas.
When I was young, I remember my mom moving the furniture placement around each time she did a good clean of the house. It made the home feel fashionable, fresh. I do that too.
So it should not be unfamiliar territory for me (or poor Graham who obliges) when I look at something with new eyes. Wanting to reinvent or try something different. Even if we just redid the space a week or so ago.
This is where we are at Week 6 of the #OneRoomChallenge . You may recall in Week 3, we painted an accent wall in our bedroom black. I got to thinking, and well, now it's white.

The One Room Challenge™ occurs in April and October. Each round, twenty design influencers take the challenge as Featured Designers. Every Wednesday, the designers document their progress over six weekly posts (bumped to eight weeks due to the pandemic). Better Homes and Gardens is the official media sponsor.
Everyone with a blog or Instagram account is welcome to join as a Guest Participant by linking their own room transformations up each Thursday, flooding the internet and social media with interior design inspiration, ideas, and encouragement. You can also visit the One Room Challenge to follow along and cheer on the hundreds of home-loving kings and queens working their magic.
This is our third #OneRoomChallenge and being involved has certainly spurred us on to keep improving and #LovingLeuty. So far, we've chronicled the transformation of our backyard into a cutting garden and flower studio (see here) and overhauled a laundry/bathroom (see here). Now, we're making over our main bedroom. Please come along.
Done Is A Point In Time
Graham once shared a quote with me (perhaps there was familiarity in its content). Anderson Cooper talking about his mother Gloria Vanderbilt in a New York Times article, April 6, 2016. Speaking of her, he said:
"...If only you can change the color of the walls, everything will be O.K. But once that’s done, it feels O.K. for a day or a week, and then she realizes the carpet needs to be redone or she has to move."

Before and after. We loved the wall black, and now we love it white. A bit of a different vibe is created with an all-white room. A calm sanctuary that accentuates the brightness of the space.
Before and after. We moved the oversized wicker pendant light from our living room to our bedroom sunroom office. We then whitewashed it to make it blend into the room.

While the entire room is painted Benjamin Moore Oxford White, we wanted to create soft drama by painting the alcove hallway that leads into the room this lovely Hazy Blue from Kelly Wearstler's California Collection for Farrow & Ball. There's just enough of a transition, a sense of going somewhere fabulous. And, the blue tint speaks to the art we have hanging in the hallway.
What will you paint in your home? Oh, and how about this gorgeous Victorian mirror we scored on Facebook Marketplace.
Next Week
We're in the home stretch. Only two more weeks to go to finish the bedroom.