If you didn't know, I'm a huge Prince fan. So it was obvious to me that this mauve-flavoured arrangement, starring the oh so impressive Blue Echo Lisianthus, should be called Purple Rain. Affectionally referred to as Lissies in the flower community, Lisianthus are solid, top-of-the-charts performers. With the delicate look of a rose without the diva attitude, Lissies are no hassle in the field and have staying power in the vase. They come in a range of colours from the rich Blue Echo here (really a purply-blue), to soft pinks, almost-backs, creamy whites and stained rusty neutrals.
To get this party started, we've partnered the Blue Echos with blooms in shades of blush and purpleness and enveloped them with gorgeous greens. Hope you think it is as fab as we do. And hey you lovely rock star, be sure to test your flower IQ below by identifying the ingredients in this bouquet (there's a cheat sheet at the bottom).
